Cashew Master Training Program: Online application for next Editions opened.

The African Cashew Alliance (ACA) has opened online application for Editions 19 and 20 of the
Cashew Master Training Program (MTP) with special call for East African participants.
With funding support from the European Union (EU), the Organization of African Caribbean and
Pacific States (OACPS) and the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und
Entwicklung (BMZ), the 19th edition of the MTP will for the first time be held in East Africa. MTP
20 will meanwhile take place in West Africa.
Application is open to people working in the private and public sectors, Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) and development partners promoting cashew value chains in Africa and
beyond. The applicants must be mandated by their host institution and will go through a
transparent selection process in line with fixed criteria.
Interested applicants can proceed to to read about the
MTP, the terms and conditions and register.
About the MTP
The Master Training Programme aims to increase theoretical knowledge and practical skills of
African cashew experts along the value chain and consequently to further promote the
competitiveness of the African cashew sector. It is an intensive three-week training held in three
different sessions involving both classroom and practical sessions on various aspects of the
cashew value chain ranging from production and processing to economics, cashew market
dynamics, marketing and financing mechanisms and cross cutting issues like facilitation skills,
negotiation skills, decision making, gender among others. The MTP is implemented by the ACA
with support from the GIZ/MOVE/ComCashew Project, Ghana’s Ministry if Food and Agriculture
(MoFA), the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG), the Conseil du Coton et de l’ Anacarde
(CCA), The East Africa Community (EAC), GIZ/SEAMPEC II, the Consultative International Cashew
Council (CICC), the Cashew nuts Board of Tanzania (CBT), and the Institute of Nuts of Mozambique
Training Location
MTP 19 will take place in Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya while MTP 20 will be held in Côte
d’Ivoire and Ghana by the ACA with expert support from GIZ/MOVE, MOFA, CRIG and other
national institutions and companies involved in the cashew sector. The working languages will be
English, French, and Portuguese (with translation service).
The 19
th and 20th Editions of the MTP are expected to start in January 2025 and end by July 2025.
Specific timelines for these Editions will be communicated to successful applicants.
Application deadline
Online application for the 19
th and 20th Editions of the MTP ends on 30th September 2024.
For more information, contact us via