Human Capacity Development (HCD)/Scaling

The project builds resilience in the cashew value chain to contribute to job and income creation in implementing countries and beyond. We advise and promote agribusiness training approaches, offering guidance on strategy implementation, training material adaptation, sustainable roll-out, and scalability. All our trainings are developed for a face-to-face format. In our new blended learning approach, we combine the face-to-face trainings with e-learning modules. Our program enhances both the theoretical understanding and digital literacy of participants and trainers. The scaling, human capacity development, and gender component contribute to this aim by focusing on the 1st objective of the Joint Action which is Skills for Agribusiness and MOVE's 4th objective which is Scaling up good practices in supply chain development.

The project, therefore, follows an intervention logic for large-scale and organizational development approaches. Embedded in all human capacity development intervention is one key quality marker: Gender Transformative approaches (GTA). Through GTA, the project seeks to address socio-cultural norms that inhibit the capacity development of target groups through the reach, benefit, and empower approach.

With human capacities being an imperative element in driving development, the project through her interventions supports and shape both individual learning processes and networking of stakeholders by upskilling specialist, organizations, and networks within the cashew value chain.

Below are some training activities organized by the Project:

Cashew Master Training Programme

The Cashew Master Training Programme Cashew (MTP) is a unique training programme that was initiated by the ComCashew project in 2013 and institutionalized in 2022 with the African Cashew Alliance (ACA). The programme aims at creating a pool of qualified experts in the cashew value chain to facilitate knowledge exchange, learning and innovation within the cashew sector in Africa.

The MTP covers a period of 7-8 months.

The program includes three one-week classroom sessions, offering a facilitated platform for exchange. Each session focuses on a specific set of modules:

  • Session 1: Organization of the cashew market and implementing instruments for a Master Trainer.
  • Session 2: Planting material development and good agricultural practices.
  • Session 3: Cashew processing, sector organization, and cross-cutting issues.

Between the classroom sessions, so-called intersessions or field activities of a maximum length of three months are scheduled. During the intersession, participants return to their host institutions, share their knowledge with colleagues, and do hands-on work in the field to apply what they have learned in the training sessions.

After completion of the Master Training Programme, each participant is recognized as:

  • Resource persons with knowledge in cashew production, processing, marketing, economics, and organization of the cashew sector.
  • Qualified expert in the field of training trainers in the cashew sector.
  • An expert in designing and developing training programs for specific target groups.
  • A reference person who is well-connected at the national and regional levels within the cashew value chain.
  • An expert in the design, adaptation, and updating of educational/training tools.

Moreover, Master Trainers provide technical training to other trainers (training of trainers) as well as farmers and other actors in the supply chain. They also advise and provide guidance for the growth of the cashew sector.

After 16 editions of MTP, 1,286 experts along the cashew value chain with 40% of women and 42% of youth (under 35 years old) have graduated as Master trainers. In 2023, the African Cashew Alliance as the lead organization with support from MOVE, EU, OACPS, USDA, MoFA, CRIG, and other developmental and national partners implemented 2 editions (15th & 16th Edition) of the Cashew Master Training Program with a total of 165 participants being trained.

For more information on dates for further rollouts of the training programme, this link would lead you to the MTP website. (

Farmer Business School (FBS)

To enhance the viability of production systems, Farmer Business School (FBS) is designed to strengthen smallholders’ business attitudes and management skills for better and diversified incomes and nutrition. In five sessions, MOVE-ComCashew and its partners assist smallholders to learn about:

  • Principles of Farming as a Business.
  • Basics of human nutrition and farm management for a balanced diet.
  • Investment strategies based on cost-benefit analysis of production techniques.
  • Financial management, savings, and credit.
  • Benefits from quality produce and from membership in producer organizations.
  • Investments in replanting tree crops.

FBS complements training on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), financial and technical services that smallholders demand. As at 2023, 1,500 cashew smallholders have graduated from FBS from Côte d’Ivoire.

Training approaches adopted under MOVE-ComCashew Includes:

Gender Makes Business Sense (plus)

GmBSplus is a 5-day practical capacity development journey for agripreneurs that enhances their understanding of business with an integrated gender dimension to thrive with a new mindset. The GmBSplus journey shows how a collaborative approach between women, men, public and private sector, and communities can systematically change the gender imbalances in all agribusiness value chain segments. The purpose of GmBSplus is to improve the well-being of agripreneur and their communities by creating thriving and profitable agribusinesses that enable employment opportunities.

Participants of the training – both women and men – are equipped with practical business management skills, business tools, financial know-how, and an understanding of the socioeconomic impact of gender dynamics to make a better business.

Benefits of this training include:

  • Business development skills, gender empowerment, and self-awareness in an innovative facilitation approach
  • A safe environment to express your business ideas and challenges.
  • Insights that increase income and profit share.
  • Connect with facilitators & mentors who are mindful of your local realities.
  • Meet and engage with other agripreneurs to learn from each other.

A life-long mindset shifts for you to thrive professionally and personally.

E-learning Programs

MOVE being committed to upskilling actors in the cashew value chain seeks to provide learners with an engaging, flexible, convenient, and effective way to learn new skills and enhance their capacity in a self-paced digital learning environment. Through the utilization of multimedia resources, such as 3-D animated videos, interactive exercises, and assessments, we strive to ensure that learners understand and retain the material.

Our primary goal is to empower learners to apply their newly acquired knowledge in real-world situations, leading to increased income and enhanced profitability within the cashew and rice value chains.

Digital innovations

  • SAP Rural Sourcing management
  • Rice advice
  • Cashewlator
EU Logo

This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

The Joint Action is jointly co-financed by the European Union under the Samoa agreement with the Organisation of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States(OACPS) and by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ.