
Promoting Cashew Agribusiness Through Online Learning: Introducing e-MOVE
Empowering the Cashew Sector Through Online Learning
The global cashew sector is rapidly evolving, and the demand for skilled professionals has never been greater. In response, the Market-Oriented Value Chains for Jobs and Growth in the ECOWAS Region (MOVE-ComCashew) project has launched an online learning academy aimed at building the capacity of stakeholders across the cashew value chain.
Read more … Promoting Cashew Agribusiness Through Online Learning: Introducing e-MOVE

Enhancing Cashew Productions with Specialized Technical Training Programs
From October 7th to 10th, 2024, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria became a hub of agricultural innovation and learning during the 2nd Cashew Technical Training on Production. This transformative four-day program, organized by GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew in collaboration with the Osun State Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security and the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), aimed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge to revolutionize cashew production.
Read more … Enhancing Cashew Productions with Specialized Technical Training Programs

Enhancing the Environmental and Economic Resiliency of Agricultural Production Systems through the adoption of Conservation Agriculture and Agroforestry practices in Ghana
Agriculture plays a key role in providing food, creating jobs and improving rural lives. However, climate change is making farming harder worldwide due to rising temperatures, unpredictable rainfall, extreme weather (like heatwaves, floods and droughts), and an increase in pests and diseases. At the same time, the growing population means we need more food, which puts pressure on farmers, especially in regions like Sub-Saharan Africa.

GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew participates in the 18th ACA annual cashew conference & Expo- Highlights from the 18th ACA Annual Cashew Conference in Cotonou, Benin
The 18th Annual Cashew Conference & Expo, organized by the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), commenced on September 17th in Cotonou, Benin, under the theme "Building Capacities for a Sustainable African Cashew Industry." The opening ceremony, attended by over 450 participants from about 25 countries, was officially inaugurated by Madam Alimatou Shadiya Assouman, Benin’s Minister of Industry and Trade. Distinguished speakers included Honorable Babatola Maseru, President of ACA, and Mrs Beate Weiskopf, Project Leader of GIZ/MOVE-ComCashew, who emphasized the importance of strengthening African cashew processing, creating transparent and sustainable value chains, and harmonizing policies across the region.
Following the opening, ....

Empowering Nigeria’s Cashew Sector: GIZ/MOVE and Partners Lead Transformative Training in Oyo State
In a bid to strengthen the cashew value chain in Nigeria, GIZ/MOVE, in partnership with the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), the Tree Crop Development Unit (TCDU) Oyo State, and the Agricultural Development Project (ADP), successfully completed a four-day technical training focused on cashew production. Held in Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria, from September 2nd to 5th, 2024, this training program aimed to build the capacity of key stakeholders to improve productivity and competitiveness in the cashew industry.

Shortlist drawn up for the multi-stakeholder partnerships!
Benin, Cotonou. It was a firework of ideas and innovations that will strengthen the cocoa, cashew, livestock, and maize value chains in the ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) countries in the future. From 9 till 13 September 2024, 39 experts from 15 countries have been working hard in the meeting rooms of the Azalai Hotel in Cotonou. The proposals for innovations will be financed by the Matching Grant Fund of the Business Support Facility for Resilient Agricultural Value Chains project.
Read more … Shortlist drawn up for the multi-stakeholder partnerships!

ComCashew Board meeting: Exciting Consensus among ComCashew Board members regarding processing vision for Africa
The ComCashew Board made up of actors in the cashew sector held its last meeting of the year on 16.09.2024 at Azalai hotel in the City of Cotonou-Benin, a day before the official opening of the 18th ACA Annual Conference and Exposition. This was an interactive hybrid meeting with both private and public Board members. The MOVE/ComCashew donors BMZ, EU and OACPS joined the meeting online.The board meeting was chaired and moderated by......

Creating opportunities for the “missing middle” of the private sector
Benin, Cotonou. Since 9 September 2024, 39 experts from 15 countries have been meeting at the Azalai Hotel. An overwhelming 438 proposals reached the Business Support Facility for Resilient Agricultural Value Chains project on 18 August 2024 from the third call, seeking innovative concept notes for the cashew, cocoa , livestock, and maize value chains in ACP (Africa, Caribbean, Pacific) countries.
Read more … Creating opportunities for the “missing middle” of the private sector

Cashew Master Training Program: Online application for next Editions opened.
The African Cashew Alliance (ACA) has opened online application for Editions 19 and 20 of the
Cashew Master Training Program (MTP) with special call for East African participants.
With funding support from the European Union (EU), the Organization of African Caribbean and
Pacific States (OACPS) and the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und
Entwicklung (BMZ), the 19th edition of the MTP will for the first time be held in East Africa. MTP
20 will meanwhile take place in West Africa.
Read more … Cashew Master Training Program: Online application for next Editions opened.